The Club has 3 tennis courts and a variety of tennis programming.
Daytime play is scheduled for Tuesday/Friday mornings.
Evening play is scheduled for Tuesday/Thursday evenings.
Typical Play
Open Play
Members are encouraged to mix and mingle at these sessions
Open Play may be singles or doubles, Players may enjoy mixed doubles or mens /ladies games.
Level Play
Sessions for Designated Level Play (based on Club rating)
Session Facilitator designates rotation style
Bring Your Own Group
Private Court Bookings
Members may book singles
(60 mins) or doubles (60, 90, 120 mins)
“Open Court” bookings may also be made where booking owner looks for other players to join the booking.
Special Events
Grand Slam Fridays
Advanced Adult Players
July & August
Improve your game play and tactics in singles and doubles format
Intermediate Adult Players
Tues/Thurs evenings
Work on getting your game to the advance level
Learn to Play Tennis
Early season session on Sunday afternoons to learn to play
Tennis Court Rules & Etiquette
We strive to preserve a culture of good sportsmanship and respectful play both on and off the courts. It is important that members adhere to tennis court rules and etiquette. Tennis is a social game involving politeness and consideration. Observing these guidelines ensures that all players enjoy time on the courts. The Tennis Court Rules and Etiquette apply to all club members and guests.
Playing Level Differences
At the club, we advocate for playing with opponents of similar skill levels to enhance overall game improvement. We also recognize that opportunities arise where play abilities may differ significantly between partners and/or opponents. The Club encourages players to adhere to the principles of good sportsmanship and respectful play and to familiarize yourself with the club policy when different ability levels are present on the court.