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Welcome all returning and new members who have chosen to play tennis and/or pickleball at Meadowwood  Tennis Club this year. The Club already has over 300 members signed up! Registration continues for  tennis players and our pickleball program is at maximum capacity.  


The City of Mississauga allows MTC to be open from March 15 to November 30. Weather permitting, we  plan to set up the courts on Saturday March 16. Court set-up will be delayed if weather is not conducive to  outdoor play. Those members who volunteered to be part of the Spring Set Up Crew will receive a separate  email with more information. 


The Club can only accomplish season programs and plans with member volunteers. Remember, this is a  100% volunteer organization! The people who have already put their hand up to volunteer will be  receiving “call-to-action” emails in coming weeks. If you are new to the Club and would like to be more  involved, please reach out to me directly for the many different ways you can make a positive impact this  season! 



The Board is excited to announce a new Club Tennis Pro – Dennis Vitaliano. With a 6.0 rating, Dennis is  currently coaching at The Tennis School in Oakville, and has been the Assistant Head Coach there since  2023. He handles junior group lessons from beginner to high-performance, adult group lessons, and one on-one training lessons. Dennis currently coaches national masters tennis champions to keep them on their  peak game. Dennis was a top tennis competitor in the Philippines for many years, receiving the  Outstanding Athlete Award for 2 years, and later as a coach leading a team to a podium finish. He has over  15 years of coaching experience (junior to adult) working with beginners and competitive levels and he  holds multiple ITF certifications.  

Dennis promotes and implements a safe and positive coaching environment to help players enjoy and  succeed in the game of tennis. He will be an integral part of building robust and vibrant tennis programs at  MTC. Sign-ups for lessons, clinics etc will be through Court Reserve. Stay tuned for tennis clinics, group  programs and more coming in April 


Tennis Day and Evening level-play group sessions will be added to the Court Reserve calendar once the  weather warms up. The daytime program will run Tues/Fri mornings 8-10am and Tuesday evenings 5:30- 11pm. A Saturday morning group session may be added depending on member feedback. Many members  have also expressed interest in a tennis house league or tennis ladder program. 



The Club has reached its pickleball player capacity for 2024. The Board specifically implemented a capacity  limit so that (a) everyone who wants to play pickleball will have access to the courts; (b) the Club has only 4  pickleball courts and no plans to add more; (c) Club court resources must be equally available for both  tennis and pickleball. 

With this in mind, we were forced to decline many registration requests when we opened to new members  on February 19. In coming weeks there may be individuals who will disguise themselves as tennis players  but will then only play pickleball at MTC. This is unethical and unfair to Club members. Should an individual  intentionally join MTC disguised as a tennis player and then only participate in pickleball play, the Board has  agreed that consequences will ensue for that member including possibly revoking membership without  refund.  

Pickleball Day and Evening level-play group sessions will be added to the Court Reserve calendar once the  weather cooperates. The daytime program will run Mon/Wed/Fri mornings 9-11am and Mon/Wed evenings  5:30-10pm. A Sunday morning group session may be added depending on member feedback. Many  members have also expressed interest in a pickleball ladder program. Stay tuned for separate “Learn to  Play” sessions and spring clinics in April 


To participate in a group tennis / pickleball session or clinic, you MUST sign up on Court Reserve. To book a court, you must do so through Court Reserve and LIST ALL participants in the booking. Members are limited to one court booking per day 


The MTC board received resignation notice from Dario Zini due to work demands and family obligations that  do not allow for ongoing board participation. The Board recognizes Dario’s many years of excellent service  and dedication to Meadowwood Tennis Club and thank him for all that he has done. 

At the February Board meeting, in accordance with the Club by-laws, a resolution was passed by a quorum  of Directors to appoint Judy Radan as a new Director for MTC. Judy has a strong background serving on  community boards, having recently been on the Board for the Small Arms Building in Port Credit. She  brings a strong administrative background including working with the City of Mississauga. Judy was a  vibrant member at MTC last year and is well known to many on the courts both at MTC and ORC. We  welcome Judy to the Board! 


Play Fair 

Be Kind 

Be a Good Sport 

Share The Courts 

Clean Up Your Own Mess 

Put Things Back Where You Found Them

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